August 01, 2008

If I had a boat. . . .

. . . I'd go out on the ocean. . . . isn't that a Lyle Lovett song? Well, we can't easily row out to the ocean from our house, but we can go out on the river! And indeed we have. John found a sweet deal on a canoe/sailboat last weekend on Craigslist and we've been having a blast on the boat this week. Another reason to come visit us!

(fyi - this was our first, quick trip out. we promptly bought life preservers the next day. also, that's our house in the background)
John & Henry taking out the crabpot to a deeper location in hopes of more crabs . . . an unsuccessful venture)
Grammy came to visit this week. She has named this spot "Popsicle Point." Very fitting as the kids eat popsicles out here almost daily.

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