February 21, 2009

Making Cinnamon Pizza

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, doesn't that sound good? That's what my kids are serving up these days in their play kitchen. Here's Bradley on a typical afternoon: playing with her pizza, wearing 1 earring, a scarf and the cutest smile on earth.

February 12, 2009

Henry the Great

Henry has many strengths in life -- two of which are: drawing and a long attention span. Well, he has unknowingly combined his two loves in life by copying an ENTIRE BOOK. This boy is illustrating and writing the words of a 32 page Cars book. It has taken him almost 1 week, but he is almost finished. It's great practice because he is writing letters and drawing his favorite subject on earth - Cars. Here are a few pics from this week's obsession.

February 09, 2009

Bedtime & The End of an Era

Here are a few pictures from a typical bedtime routine in our house. Reading books, cuddling, praying, etc. all help our kids wind down to beddy-by time. These pictures were taken a few weeks ago on one of Henry's last nights as a thumb sucker. He started sucking his thumb when he was 11 weeks old and has been a "self-soother" ever since. I have always found this very endearing about him, but my pediatrician thought otherwise. So, we started the "weaning" process 2 weeks ago, and he has done so great!! We gave him the chance to stop by himself for the first week or so, and I asked him if there was anything I could do to help him stop. His response was, "We should pray for God to help me." So SWEET the faith of the little ones, eh? So, we prayed, made a reward chart and put a band aid on his thumb every night to help him remember. We are so proud of him! Give him a High Five if you see him!