March 12, 2010

"Spring" Break

We took some much needed vacation last week while Henry's school had Spring Break. Never in my past spring break history did "spring" break include so much snow. BUT, we had a great time and it was nice to get away and try a new sport. Well, I didn't try skiing. This is what I looked like the whole time with Eliza strapped to my body all cozy and sleepy:

Henry did awesome and mastered skiing by the end of the 3rd day. See video below.

Typical slopes family picture. The "yuppie-ness" factor of this picture disturbs me. I was looking for a family vacation picture but this is what I got:

Bradley had a great time just playing in the snow -- all made even more fun with the promise of hot chocolate. Mmmmmmm.
I should add that a special Cinematographer's Award should be given to John who videotaped this WHILE snowboarding down the mountain. Unbelievable!

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